
Promoting wellness through holistic health considers the whole person, including physical, mental and spiritual aspects. As a wellness practitioner with an herbalism focus, I will provide recipes, products and information in which you and your family may find beneficial for overall health and wellness.

Cassandra Ritone is a student at the American College of Healthcare Sciences. Currently, her studies focus on Applied Science in Complementary and Alternative Medicine with an emphasis on Herbalism and inculde holistic health concepts, language, anatomy and physiology, and pathology as a means of examining imbalances in the body's structure and function with specific concentration on:

  • the body's structure and function in a healthy state; balancing mind, body, and spirit.
  • understanding and identifying the mechancial and biochemical changes caused by a variety of diseases or imbalances and providing education that individuals can use to restore wellness;
  • evaluation of when to refer individuals to their licensed healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment;
  • educating others about appropriate holistic health protocols that can help rebalance the body and restore wellness, both for general good health and when particular ailments demonstrate an imbalance in the body and lifestyle;
  • using and understanding appropriate medical terminology to facilitate discussion with licesnsed healthcare providers and facilitating integration of CAM into the healthcare system;
  • identifying appropriate dietary supplements for specific instances, taking into account safety and dosage issues;
  • disscussing herbal medicine and aromatherapy, their history, and status of current research, including how to locate studies in peer-reviewed journals;
  • identifying the major active constituents, saftey issues, historical uses, latest research results, including drug/herb interactions, uses, preperations, and more, for popular botanicals and educating others about the botanicals and essential oils studied;
  • understanding common issues in plant identification, ethical wildcrafting, sustainable harvesting, field identification and safey procedures and be able to educate others about these issues.

For more information:  Visit achs.edu

Contact Cassandra at

This blog and the information included in this blog is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease.  This blog and its content has not been reviewed by the FDA.  Always consult with your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I am a student at American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS).  All opinions are my own.  This blog may contain affiliate links.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255; "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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