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How To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally!

HOW TO WHITEN YOUR TEETH NATURALLY!! One of the many questions I am asked is "How do you keep your teeth so white?"   Smoking, drinking coffee and alcohol, eating sugar, and many other factors tend to wreak havoc on your teeth.  Although my teeth should be noticeably yellow from my past, I have found a few tricks that have helped me keep my pearly whites.  I'm not suggesting that it's ok for you to smoke or eat a ton a sugar just because you can keep your teeth white...obviously those factors also wreak havoc on the rest of your system (I'll be explaining more about that in another blog about "leaky gut" and your immune system), but I will give you some tips and tricks and a weekly maintenence chart that may help. Our teeth are composed of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, but mostly consist of a calcified tissue called dentin which is covered in enamel and make teeth the hardest part of the human body.  Dentin is a yellowish tissue,

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